WW2 Museum Field Trip

WW2 Museum Field Trip

Reporter: Ava Samm 

2 March 2023

On Tuesday, the 29th of February, the junior and senior class of Northlake Christian went to the National WWII Museum.  The museum was a wonderful memorial to all the soldiers who fought against a reign of tyranny.  Students were captured in the haze of the past with American army planes hanging from the ceilings and artifacts in every glass container.  Many students favorite part of the trip was seeing the WW2 mini movie show to them while other students favorite parts of the trip was walking through the “Road to Tokyo” and “Road to Berlin”.  Even though the trip was a great learning experience, many students were disappointed that they didn’t get to see more of the museum and that there was not enough time to go to the 40s-50s themed Jeri Nims Soda Shop which served authentic soda pops and root beer floats.  This trip was an amazing experience that the juniors and seniors to come should also experience. 

Learn more at https://www.nationalww2museum.org/