Mrs. Flot Chronicles Ep. 2

November 18, 2021
We’re back again with a holiday special. We asked Mrs. Flot more questions from her time at Northlake. The stories that she shares are very inspiring for future years. This time though is more about previous thanksgiving seasons on our campus.
Question # 2 What were the old Thanksgiving traditions at Northlake?
“Back when there wasn’t a wood gym and a cafeteria, they used to have Thanksgiving dress-up days, where the students would dress as pilgrims and Native Americans to reenact the first Thanksgiving. They also had class Thanksgiving parties for the lower school and they would have Thanksgiving-related assignments and activities. Since the Highschool didn’t have class parties, the students’ parents would prepare a thanksgiving meal for the high school and that’s what they would eat for lunch that day. She also said that the staff, on the Thursday before Thanksgiving break, would bring thanksgiving food for other faculty and staff in the teachers’ lounge!”
We also asked her if she missed these old traditions and she answered with:
“It was easier back then to do thanksgiving activities like class parties, high school feasts, and chapels because the school was a lot smaller but now that the school is so big, it would be difficult to provide food for thanksgiving feasts.”
What could we do to bring back these old traditions? Or could we come up with new ones that would accommodate the size of our schools?
Ex. Thanksgiving meal for lunch on the Friday before the break.