HeeHaw Day proves to be outstanding for young and old
Courtesy of Northlake yearbook
Senior Rory Chappuis sits with a Lower School student during Hee Haw Day.
November 8, 2017
Hee Haw day is a long outstanding tradition for Northlake Christian School. Each year, on Oct. 27, Northlake’s entire preschool participates in a day of hay bales, parades and petting zoos. The school’s senior girls join with the children each year in celebrating, riding with them on the trailers and helping to regulate the petting zoo.
“I really enjoyed HeeHaw day! It was so much fun being with the kids and getting to watch the excitement as they saw the animals and getting their faces painted. It was awesome getting to help out because I remember doing that when I was in preschool, it was great,” Student Body Treasurer Abigail McLain said.
A select few students have been attending Northlake since preschool, and for them, it is a unique experience to participate in a treasured memory once again.
“It was really interesting getting to be a part of the other side of HeeHaw day after doing it as a preschooler. The kids were so cute and we all had a lot of fun helping out,” Senior Class President Cassidy Cunningham said.
Similarly to McLain, she has spent her whole life at Northlake.
The landscape of the school has changed enormously since Heehaw day nearly 12 years ago. The preschool was once contained in a couple of trailers, set where the Upper School’s “Founder’s Hall” lays now. Although not recently built, the Early Learning Center (or ELC) is the home of the preschool now. This year’s junior class will have been the last students to reside within the older preschool trailers.

“I think that HeeHaw day is a fun time for kids and their families to come together and have fun at school. All the kids were running around with smiles on their faces, and it is just a happy time for all of them,” Lifelong student and senior Giovanna May said.
For many families, this event offers a time for children to spend a day with their parents in a fun environment, and for many parents, it could be an opportunity for them to experience Northlake Christian high-schoolers for the first time.
“HeeHaw day was great; seeing the little kids faces light up during the activities really gave [me] a warm feeling and made [me] happy,” Senior Gabby Ryan said.
Although she came to Northlake in ninth grade, Ryan understands the effect participation days can have on the Pre School students.
With students excited about a continuing school year, and parents delighted in their children having a great day, Northlake continues with traditions that have created joy for years before, and for years to come. The seniors of today are fostering an environment for the seniors of tomorrow.