Over the summer, leadership prepares throughout the summer to get ready for the school year. There are four different groups of leadership senate, which go by grade. The seniors are the leadership council which takes more responsibility and run most of the fun curricular events that happen throughout the school year. This summer, the student council painted posters to bring out the school spirit which will represent the events and our school spirit throughout the year. All of the student senate assisted in different service days organizing the school in preparation for the 24-25 school year. The entire leadership attended a retreat in July where we grew spiritually together, planned events, and learned how to engage with others for the incoming school year. We all helped with Wolverine Welcome for the new students, gave them tours, and comforted them before the school year began. Lastly, all leadership came together and helped plan for prep night and organized a successful start to the year.
Sydney Vetter, Reporter
August 15, 2024