Memorable Moments from Junior/Senior Retreat 2019
September 3, 2019
The junior senior retreat this year was filled with great speakers, fun activities, and many memorable moments. Many changes were also made from last year and many students remarked that it improved some aspects of the weekend. This year, there were speakers from diverse backgrounds, unique games, and an amazing crew to pull it off.
Though the slot for worship was smaller, it made a bigger impact. The speakers of this retreat were: Mr. Northcutt, Mrs. Ewing, and Coach Perkins. All were very diverse and gave valuable advice to the students. However, two speakers held a special connection to NCS. Mrs. Ewing teaches English in Upper School and Coach Perkins teaches Bible in the Middle School.
The activities put together by the staff and leadership were very creative, and included some odd items. The students played ultimate frisbee, but with a squid! That made for a fun and messy game that many students enjoyed. They also had more games to play, like real life Hungry Hungry Hippos and Slip and Slide dodgeball.
This amazing weekend was put together by Ms. Bri and the student leadership, who worked so hard in preparing and putting it together.
“We have to think of every single little thing that we have to order or go buy,” Ms. Bri says. Lots of work can be attributed to her and the crew for this weekend.
Overall this weekend was a blast and everyone enjoyed it! I can’t wait to see what next year will look like.
Payton Humes • Sep 5, 2019 at 1:41 pm
dude this is gold
Hannah Palencia • Sep 5, 2019 at 1:40 pm