Incoming new head of school begins preparations
Glenn and Sue Martin travel to Covington for a week of preparation for next year.
March 28, 2018
Starting at the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year, Glenn Martin, will be filling the role as Headmaster of Northlake Christian School. He will be filling the big shoes of Monty Fontenot, who held the position for four years.
Martin traveled to Louisiana for a week with his wife, Sue, and children, Zachary and Abigail, to house hunt, meet with the school’s board, and prepare for his move to Northlake. His children will be attending the school as well with Zachary in in 10th grade and Abigail in 11th.
“God sort of stirred me in this direction, which sounds sort of like a churchy answer, but I’ve been at the same school for so long, and I’ve had people tell me I should consider being a head of school,” Martin said.
Martin decided to follow up on the idea, and after having many connections at Northlake, he decided to apply for the job. Now that he has been selected and the family is set to move, he commented on what he enjoyed about Louisiana, would miss about Florida, and other things about his family.
“[On one of the trips here] we planned to go to the World War II museum, [because] Zach loves history, and as we were driving by it, Abby saw the building but Zach didn’t know where we were going. When he saw it, his eyes kind of lit up and that was exciting. We went to Emerald’s that night for dinner so that was fun,” Martin recalled as one of his favorite memories.
He also said he enjoys the people of Louisiana and how much his daughter liked the people too. When asked what he would miss most about Florida he, commented that he would miss many activities and places.
“I’m going to say the people again. I love fishing; there’s good fishing there too. I love the ocean, but I don’t go to the beach ever. We live there, so we don’t go vacation on there. So probably the people and the school [The King’s Academy]. It’s the school I graduated from so there’s an element of going away from what I know,” Martin said.
This transition is not just affecting Martin, but his entire family as they make the transition from people and a school they know to a new place.
“My family really is excited, “ Martin said. “Part of figuring out if this was God’s will was how the kids would respond. Sue and I would never do anything we were not in concert with our thinking spiritually and about everything else too. I think we are all excited about it. Just like with any big change, there is a bit of trepidation, but we feel that it is God’s will.”
According to Martin, the school and faculty of Northlake has been very welcoming, and he is excited to move forward into this role.
As the current school year wraps up and the next one begins, be on the lookout for Glenn Martin on campus as he starts playing a role in which God has placed him.